The Vision...

Finding people who are Passionate about God and His Kingdom, who desire to grow in their relationship with Him. Getting to know Him through prayer and spending time in His word; waiting for His Spirit to move us to do the things He ask's us to do for His kingdom.
The Bible speaks of us being followers of God, meaning we are to be His followers, not followers of the world, to be set apart from the world and moving on His behalf.
We are the Body of Christ, every one of us should desire to be involved in His Kingdom, for His Honor, and for His Glory.

Where we Are Headed...

 As we begin our Church, our focus is wholly upon God and His Kingdom. Bringing Honor and Glory to Him, becoming the Disciples that honor Him as we live life.

There is so much in this statement it is hard to put into words. Hopefully, the Passion that we grow together for God will give us such an expanding vision that so many of us will want to use our God-given gifts for His Kingdom and Glory.


We are a Church Plant, currently meeting in a home, as God multiplies us we will grow into a bigger gathering as well as continuing to meet as family home churches.
Since we currently are meeting in a home, the church address on our website is approximate, though close to the location given. Since it is a home we are keeping the location private for now, due to space limitations. As we contiue to multiply, we will have a church building address.
We are a church focused around being Christ following disciples, loving God and loving the lost world around us, changing it one life at a time!

We meet weekly for the reading of God's word, worshipping Him and having a meal together, growing as a close family in Christ.

We are hoping you will join us!

Be a part of our story... We Are Excited!

Expanding the vision... Long Term

As we become more passionate about our relationship with God and His kingdom, inevitably our passions will become His, changing our desires,
moving our hearts to go forth, being the Hands & Feet of Jesus.

Going out into our cities to take care, feed, and clothe the less fortunate and needful. By doing this we become more than just hearers of the word, becoming doers of the word.
Loving and changing the world one life at a time.

Long Term Vision...
Having a warehouse where we can come together as a church to worship, learn and grow close to God. A place that will house food trailers for community outreach and hopefully a place to provide people a place to sleep & live, to get them off the streets, into the kingdom of God and living for Jesus!